homework from last week: Chapter 3 in guns germs and steel, + Writing with style
- wilderness writing class
coyote gulch east of zion's southeast of the henry mountains
souuthwest of bryce canyon rim
driven as far as coyote gulch
drive on the south side of the lake brutal must have been rough on the wagons
walking across sand dunes, fossilized paradise with a stream running through it to get there you climb through a crack in the wall walk down a long sand dune into a paradise.
always start class with a poem
poems contain what yo won't find in a newspaper but they do contain what men die for lack of every day
water is the fundamental shaper
uses specific concrete nouns and vowels
in the winter the road is imagery discussion about what images were generated by the poem.
what makes a good technical writer is the imagery built into
Mountain being a metaphor for the unknown world
we pour away a little water
on the main water on the road, asphalt
softly beaming their faces warming
in the summer dust
dust filled our winter ruts with a level of softness.
specificity is important
attention to detail in the world around us
they don't focus on the beauty of the commonplace concrete world
pouring water on dust causes balling up
effect of resonant image "lie on the thick dust gleaming"The concrete specific world is important.
roll call
Proposal--then grammar and style
Main project--one of the intermediate exercise projects is the object description
good craft--description will make your proposals better
Object/mechanism description assignment
leatherman like multitool
naming is the first thing you do
not being able to name in terms of documentation its a bad thing
break down into parts
picture i f;you can't use language
can't take a picture of an object that doesn't exist so it must be described by imagination and verbal imagery
describe shape texture size what's it made of
steel stamped silver in color
what are we going to stick them to.
overall object--analytical writing
3 subpoints or main argument
a reflection between a real world concept and
give an overview of the object, a comparison
establish an orientation for your reader quiz on Wednesday
sits on its base with the ski jump end on the right.
analytical branching
establish relationship b3tween the parts
Object/Mechanism Description Assignment
in the subsections
spinner serrated edge
make it so the person can recreate it
describe each part below
first subsection title
establish the orientation--then vary the orientation put the reader at the base in real life its easier to move the object than the reader
in text its easier to move the reader
join them together with measurement type words joining line that starts the top of the base how the line is oriented how wide it is how deep it is: - style guides are arbitrary
Form follows function
Mars expedition--landing is difficult--Moon is easy --barely above nominal--moon has no atmosphere to slow a machine down to land. Earth has a lot of gravity and atmosphere
Mixed metric and ENglish measurements caused disaster
Use specific concrete language active rather than passive.Antiques road show
Proposal introduction:First subsectionthis assignment sheet is the first subsection
comma discussion, JFK and Stalin
put a semi colon before a sentence with lots of commas.
how many main list elements are there? 3
how many sublist items for
how many 2
how many 3
lists and sublists mainly exist in technical documents. COntent--divide subject into parts
define what you are going to explain
format-- the way you setup all of your documents
will our proposal contain all of these theings? maybe but not always
must provide the followingresource, assessment etc.
outline of own projecthome remedy guide-- could fold into the Daedylus project
make ours part of the daedylus projectSolution paper that fits come up with an outline does it dovetail into the projectDon't use Wikipedia as a source, but you can use their sourcestime line Gantt chart
time line for project--x axis and y axis projects to be completed
do timeline with any time management software or excel or word
accounting for all these things.
use week increments for the timeline
next time we'll continue in any questions on writing project
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