proximity--self defining trend
continuity--when some pattern draws the eye
similarity of shapes, color, size, alignment, elements governed the way we perceive order and wholeness particularly in print media alignment defines space.
particularly in media how gestalt is used
this margin defines body content this defines headings
Resume review
look at a couple of resumes'
give two shots at a grade
term project after resumes
Adam's resume
thumb drive on open office
look at one in word
prefers word
how many hard returns in a row?
No more than one allowed.
How to use hard and soft returns in Word 2010.
What kind of leading needed to make
interparagraph spacing
change styles to get it to do it to all of them.
Word options, advanced, go to display and change it
Word-word option-advanced.
Update to match selection
Why is this indented from the paragraphs
front matter
How to get the ruler up? small button at the top of the scrollbar
interparagraph spacing is one way to define paragraphs.
the other way is initial indents
an initial indent on a paragraph breaks up the flow the gestalt of alignment
Short choppy paragraphs this gets intrusive instead of using an initial indent we usually use interparagraph spacing instead
Dear is a salutation. if she is not dear to you, don't use dear.
Sincerely is invisible, worn out, use closure with impact such as thank you.
In a highly technical document
Stay in paragraph and that's a body paragraph so he updates body to match selection
Get rid of underline it is redundant and could be tacky
Text itself is creating the alignment if the design is right.
New style
paragraphs are made up of characters that have their own attributes
Style is going to be based on underlying properties.
Children's autism in the classroom,
set goals make sure they are met
anything less than or greater than is a comment
cut all preositional phrase off, and add more detail
Can the child work, can the child learn
Important to prove they can work their way through school.
Missionary, said missionary not a euphemism.
Important to make sure you stand by your beliefs.
References, available on request is a given.
the idea is this information is personal. If you are serious about me I'll give you my references.
Making iterations
Analytical departmentation
Objectives on resumes--conflictiong suggestions put career summary instead, applying for the job indicates your objective, sounds boiler plate just put a career summary in.
Good structure
go into education turn off underline
underlined in the body text
use paragraph rules, borders around your paragraph. Give the border tool
half point rule, he likes hairline rules turn it on for the bottom of the paragraph
The idea is to turn on just one border, the bottom border of the text. Use the borders button.
Once we've established job continuity, that's all we need.
Try to make the language used more proactive linguistically. Instead of instructor use instructed.
Put the place it occurred.
Maintained and winterized instead of maintenance and winterization, use verb instead of a noun to give it a little more punch
Verify that you did this emphasize responsibility without supervision. Said it here in a place you can prove it.
Keep references handy where you can reach them.
Throw underhand to keep from spinning. Overhand causes it to spin.
Review, track changes on. Peers will review your work and you will review theirs
Nonproportional typeface. Consolas is an older proportional face. Most are proportional these days. Has old feel.Styles, have to create a body text paragraph.
Put name and contact information.
Tracking changes in red.
Work on Olive grey. click in olive grey 1, click all to turn them all to olive grey 1, update styles.
When we had typewriters we would send our manuscripts off to the printer and we would type a double hyphen and the printer would change this double hyphen to a long dash, roughly the length of the letter "M" in that typeface.
hyphen hyphen word space will change to an em dash. Em dashes go between groups of words, hyphens go between words.
Bullet list items here and here.
Created lists into bullet items.
Space after bullet items.
3 points between lines, new style
Wild card, bullet style
Get spcific on computer skills, no more intermediate.
Work on it.Save as
Design issues.
Term project discussion.
Establishing groups and who is in each group.
Non Daedalus ideas for term projects that don't involve crickets chirping
Explaining how to setup a fundraiser for a nonprofit.
private school for children with autism with adequate equipment and supplies.
Solution papers
If we were on Daedalus we would split into two teams and compete to see who could come up with the best escape plan.
Possibly a fire plan, how to build a fire
How to recycle everything so there is no waste. A recycling guide.Vern's suggestion
Why can't UVU do what BYU is doing with recycling? University has a don't care attitude.
How do you get people to care about recycling
How to produce or preproduce a movie
Home remedy guide. Herbal remedies.
No way to engineer a thousand foot ship that won't break its back if raised to a sixty degree angle.
Book on parachute rigging.
Any other book ideas?
Main project a semester long book writing project.
Crime scene evaluation, firemen
strong portfolio
I can manage large strong projects
blacksmith guide
marooned with all the raw resources you need could you create the technologies necessary to escape
How to make textiles
all the basic technologies that helped us get to here and now.
If you were able to pitch it well enough he might approve it.
How to live off grid.
he had a backpacking stove that runs on bits of solid fuel sucha s twigs, animal dung, efficient burning, generates electricity through the thermal capacity of two metals their conductivity, a fan come on, burns hot called a biolite. Non tradiitonal technology. How do you generate energy hydroelectrical power. As soon as you start talking about electricity and
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