Thursday, July 26, 2012



My brother had a friend he used to write silly stories to. He let me read one he wrote about butterflies.  I can't remember all of it, but it was a story with a surprise ending and a twisted moral, so I remember enough to rewrite the gist of it.
"I always thought of butterflies as good friends.  They are pretty to look at, they sip nectar and help pollenate flowers.Then one day I saw a worm on a plant eating leaves.  It crawled to the top and began spinning a thread.  The next day a little bag was hanging from a leaf on the plant and the worm had disappeared. Everyday I passed the plant and the bag was still hanging there.  One day a hole appeared in the bag and something began to crawl out of it.  It was a butterfly. I promptly smashed it.

Yes, butterflies may be good friends, but they have dark secrets."

HTML Form. Align text box question

Thursday, June 07, 2007 Dreams

Physical dreams exist only for those who are able to pay.
For the rest of us, dreams exist only in the metaphysical world.
There are some dreams that money cannot buy.
Some dreams should not be brought into existence.
One dream can influence the actions  of many.
Dreams inspire or degrade the soul.
Harness the dream and the soul is conquered.

Empty chairs

We never know when we will be facing their empty chairs

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I am the hours
And moments of your yesterday
I am your time gone by
O'er days and ages fleeting,
Long since passed away
As endless years roll by.

I'll rise in the spark of life
The dawn of all time.
I'll call to the world still yet to be.
The music is everywhere,
In life, in the sea and air
To join in the perfect song of all eternity.

I am the hours,
The days and moments yet to come
Until the end of time
All the centuries and
Seasons that are still to run
As endless years roll by.

I'll rise in the spark of life
The dawn of all time
I'll call to the world still yet to be
The music is everywhere
In life, in the sea and air
To join in the perfect song of all eternity.

The noon of creation rings
And all in the heavens sing
The glorious song through all eternity.

I am the dawn of all time.

We Are The Lost based on In Flanders Fields

We are the lost who lived and loved
We felt the dawn saw sunset glow
For now we lie in row on row
In Flanders fields

O lux beata lumina

The larks fly high where guns destroyed
Now poppies grow and crosses show
Where now we lie in Flanders fields
In row on row

Time like an ever-rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the break of day

We shall not sleep who lived and loved
Who felt the dawn saw sunset glow
If you break faith with us who lie
In Flanders fields

O lux beata lumina

From failing hands we throw the torch
Our light be yours to hold it high
For now we lie in Flanders fields
In row on row

Time like an ever-rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a dream
Dies at the break of day

O lux beata lumina
Our light be yours


Salal (Gaultheria shallon) Native | Tryon Life Community Farm


What is the worth of a soul?
What is the worth of a human soul?
Has any human ever created life from
raw materials, or from nothing at all?
If we cannot create life, do we have any right to destroy life?
To whom then is given the right to own life and
the raw materials of which it is made?
Who owns our bodies after we die?
Who owns the people we love?
Who own the basic materials of which we are made?
Who owns the food we eat?
Who owns the clothes we wear?
Who owns the air we breathe?
Who owns the water we drink?
Who dictates the terms of our our existence?
Why are so many houses standing empty,
while so many people need someplace to live?
What is our purpose for existing?
What is the most worthwhile reason to live?


Monday, July 9, 2012


I have found the following quote to be true of most people.  Feelings are inspired by admiration, for something in the other person we would like to be or have or do rather than for the person themselves.  Why don't we love the person for themselves?  Maybe the capacity for real love isn't in us.

"Two decades in the classroom have taught me that when it comes to students and teachers, we don’t get crushes on people whom we want sexually as often as we get crushes on people whom we want to be like. Yes, some crushes are purely physical. But more are what I’d call aspirational: the objects of the crush represent something students want for themselves. College is an uncertain time; good teachers tend to embody passion and certainty, two things students desperately want. And when they’re crushing on a prof, young people are usually confusing the messenger with the message. As I learned the hard way many years ago, rather than encourage the crush to feed our egos, our job as professors is to turn that intensity back on to our students, encouraging them to use their newfound enthusiasm and let it take them to all sorts of wonderful places. Places other, of course, than their professors’ bedrooms."Hugo Schwyzer (The Real Reason You Shouldn’t F%#* Your Professor).

Monday, July 2, 2012


My sister, my sister your lies have destroyed me
your lies have destroyed you and brought down our family
I wonder sometimes if there could have been
a way to bypass and never see you again.

I wonder sometimes why God gave me you
to observe and report everything that I do
and then to carefully rearrange
all the facts so that I could bear the blame.

You want to know what goes on in my head
and you want to know what goes on in my bed
and you want to know all the things that I do
so you can go out and spread the news.

Even if I weren't ever to blame
You'd find some way to blacken my name
And you love to see my disgrace and shame
you love to bring on the pain...