Loneliness is the driving force that brings most people together. Solitude is the resistance to loneliness and the appreciation of aloneness. It is possible to find some sense of security in being alone.
It is much better being alone than being with someone who despises you. Loneliness is more tolerable than physical abuse.
There is always loneliness anywhere a person goes. A person can be lonely in a crowd of people. Sometimes having people around only makes the feelings worse. Solitude is hard to find these days. Peaceful, natural looking places seem unfindable. Where is anyplace to find peace for thought and meditation? Where are the little visual treasures that once inspired artists and poets to create their stirring masterpeices? Things like waterfalls and woods are a long way from the suffocating blandness of endlessly paved cities.
Architects dream and create massive complexes with straight lines and perfect squares. Odd looking statuary is often included with the intent I would suppose, to break up the monotony of lines and squares. I hardly think the big buildings of concrete and glass really are improvements over the fields or marshes they replace. The materials must inevitably decompose over time just as anything must.
I miss the marshes that used to be near here. There was always interesting stuff to see when they were here that can't be seen now.
One of the things most distressing is the way apartment buildings are continually being built, and how they create an unprivate setting that leads to tension among neighbors. Isn't it strange how businessmen think that stacking people is okay? None of them would really want to live that way, with no place to have a garden and coin operated laundry facilities, limited parking and hundreds of other inconveniences that can't be foreseen by the builders. No one asks the tenants what they would like their homes to be like. They must move into someone else's prefabricated notion of how they should live.
Many things worth having that were once free for all people to share have been captured and must now be paid for. I find it strange that people would do that.
How greedy can you get?
Everyone gets lonely sometimes. I sort of feel as though no human being can fix my loneliness. I think I am lonely for God. I think He is the only one who could fix what I feel. He can fix the world, and He can cure the loneliness of all people.