Monday, August 3, 2015

Arve Moen Bergset - Eg Er Framand

I'm a stranger, I am a pilgrim, 
only for one night, only for one night am I here. 
Don't close the road, for I will follow 
the people of God in battle over hills and waves. 

I'm a stranger, I am a pilgrim, 
only for one night, only for one night am I here. 
 Earth doesn't own the peace I'm seeking, 
No, I'm longing, no I'm longing for the city of God. 

There ends the sorrow, and tears are being wiped,
 and no one will anymore be laid down on the stretcher. 
Earth doesn't own the peace I'm seeking, 
No, I'm longing, no, I'm longing for the city of God. 

Dear Lord, one thing I ask from You,
 follow and lead me, follow and lead me always,You. 
By the shores of Heaven I want to end up,
 I want to come home and embrace You. 

Dear Lord, one thing I ask from You, 
follow and lead me, follow and lead me always, You.

Eg er framand, eg er ein pilgrim,
Berr' ei kveldstund, berr' ei kveldstund er eg her.
Steng ikkje vegen, for eg vil fylgja
Guds folk til strid over berg og bylgja!

Eg er framand osv.
Jorda eig ei den ro eg søkjer,
Nei, eg lengtar, nei, eg lengtar til Guds stad
Der sluttar sorga, der tørkast tåra,

Der ingen meir blir lagt død på båra.
Jorda eig ei osv.
Kjære Herre, om eitt eg ber deg:
Fylg og lei meg, fylg og lei meg alltid du! 

Ved himmelstranda der vil eg hamna,
Eg heim vil koma og deg vil famna.
Kjære Herre, om eitt osv.

I’m estranged, I’m a pilgrim.
For a mere evening, for a mere evening I am here (alive).
 Do not close the path, for I desire to follow
God’s people through struggle and waves.

 The calm I seek is not of Earth’s.
No, I long, no, I long for God’s home.
Where sorrow(s) end, where tears are wiped.
Where nobody are put dead on beds.

 Dear Lord, if only I ask You:
Follow with and lead me,
follow with and forever You lead me!
I will be at home and embrace You.

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