Friday, August 29, 2008

Lavandula angustifolia

"Lavandula" derivative of "lavare"= to wash
"Angustifolia"= spiky leaves

I love the smell of lavendar, it has something soothing in it that makes me believe in the healing properties spoken of by those involved in herbal lore.
I have a pot garden with one lavendar plant growing in it.  Some of my neighbors have lavendar growing in their flowerbeds near the sidewalk and I love to go past when I am out walking and breathe in that scent.  I think I would like to live in a field of lavendar, or at least have it growing by every window of my house so I could smell it all the time.  For me, it beats out any perfume on the market.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mi Cara Infantum...

Little gums too soon are gone
best not mourned or dwelt upon
Time changes all and life goes on...

Baby mine


I am in school up to my ears and over.  I am enrolled in one class, plus an online course I have been trying forever to finish.  Five of my children are also in school, and my baby is always chasing me with books.  She says she isn't a baby anymore.  She is probably right, but she is my last and I tend to want to hold on to those baby years.

I have been trying online school for my children also.  My oldest is a good girl who likes to manage her own life; schoolwork, laundry, you name it.  Piles and piles of chores stack up around me, and I can never get anything completed it seems, but I hear from other people sometimes that life does slow down after a while.

Every time some progress is made, I am truly grateful.  Every time I clean even one thing at home, or get a lesson done, or mend something, or make something useful, no matter how small, it seems like a major accomplishment.

There are many things I am grateful for in my efforts.  I am always grateful for my family.  I am grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am grateful for my neighbors, and for the wonderful teachers, principals, and other people of the system who have done many things to help me and my family.I am grateful for anything that makes my life less complicated.  I am grateful for every moment of peace and quiet I can get.  I am grateful that I am not young anymore, and that I am closer to the end of my life than to the beginning of it.  Life has a way of wearing a person down and making one feel like a wadded up tissue in a trash bin somewhere.

I take my classes slow.  I have learned that I can't go any faster without causing my own failure.  Eventually the schools will end.  What then?

Tempora mutantur, nos et mutantur in illis
Times change and we change with them

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Separatio a vinculo matrimonii

Separatio a vinculo matrimonii

In my case, a very great blessing having resulted in the freedom to pursue a more stable and
literate existence.

A true marriage between two individuals is a hand-in-hand experience, not a hands at each others'
throats existence.

If  a relationship does not include cooperation and respect on the parts of both individuals involved,
no substandard replacement is acceptable or worth pursuing.

Monday, August 4, 2008


It is human nature to be critical and picky.
I am a human being. I am critical and picky.
I think the critical side of human nature is meant
to be used for preventing possible errors
or accidents.
I don't think it is meant to be used to
destroy other people.
Isn't that usually what it does get used for though?

I am human. I hate to be judged, tested,
evaluated, criticized.
But since I automatically notice various details
in others, I can expect them to notice details about me.

I can't please everyone.
Some days it seems like
I can't please anyone.

I am glad my occupation in life is not that
of judge and ruler over
the general population of the world,
my nation, state, city, and especially
not of my community.
Since I am not likely to get paid
for judging and it has negative impacts
on others around me, why should I do it?

Soli Deo gloria et judicium Dei
"To God alone be glory and the judgment of God"