Sunday, March 31, 2013

Helicopter wreck

In 1991 I watched my neighbor die. At the time I did not know I was watching the last moments of someone I knew, who lived within walking distance of the place I ate, showered and laid myself down to sleep each night.  I only knew I had seen a terrible accident and someone, maybe more than one, would not be going home to their loved ones.

The photo below has two red crosses.  The upper one shows where I was standing, and the lower one shows ground zero where the BELL BH-47G2A helicopter crashed.  A building partially blocked my view and those of the people standing with me.  We watched as the helicopter rose into the air, lurched to the side, then seemed to drop sharply to the ground.  We saw a plume of smoke spurt violently into the sky, and fire engines respond to the emergency.

One fellow I worked with was a volunteer fireman.  He went to find out the details of the crash.  When he returned he told us the pilot had not survived, and his wife was en route to pick him up at the time of the accident. 

I still had no name for the person who had died in the accident.  I learned the next day our neighbors were preparing for a funeral, as the father of the family had passed away.  No one told me how he had died, no one told me where or when the funeral was and I went to my routine job without knowing what my neighbor had died from.  It took me nearly 15 years to piece together the two stories.

During those years, the wife of the neighbor and his children did many kindnesses for me and my children.  We have reason to be grateful for their existence and their actions on our behalf.  They have been and are a great legacy to his name and his memory.

Deseret News article


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dubai - dried herbs flowers spices in the street shop stock photo

Dubai - dried herbs flowers spices in the street shop stock photo

lavender-flower-field-wallpaper.jpg (JPEG Image, 2560 × 1600 pixels) - Scaled (47%)

lavender-flower-field-wallpaper.jpg (JPEG Image, 2560 × 1600 pixels) - Scaled (47%)

Vegetable Garden Markers for Flowers Herbs by BoulderDesign

Vegetable Garden Markers for Flowers Herbs by BoulderDesign

Freedom Home Health and Hospice

Freedom Home Health and Hospice



Best Way to Refresh Your Home with Dried Herbs and Flowers

Best Way to Refresh Your Home with Dried Herbs and Flowers


I listened to a discussion among the community in church one day.  One fellow felt defensive about his solitary state and claimed he was unmarried and childless because he had not yet met the right person.  I have thought about that.  He is correct in one respect.  He has not met the right person and it is likely he never will.

To meet the right person, one must open the mind and heart.  Likewise, to be the right person for someone else the same conditions must be met.  Those of us with closed minds and hearts will never meet the right person or be the right person for anyone.

Two people can be going down the road of life  doing the best they can, being the best they can be and still not be good for each other. It takes more than just wanting and needing and giving to make relationships work.There is no greater gift from God than people we love and memories we share.


Friday, March 22, 2013

Internet Forays

As of tonight since I am an internet incontinent like many others, who has to explore all of my publishing options, I have created yet two more websites.  This is only because I wanted to know the intimate details of making an Angelfire site and a Google site and what makes them different and how they are similar.

Why am I talking about it on WordPress you may ask?  That's a good question.  WordPress is yet another internet publishing option I've been attempting to master.  Somehow I think that versatility in publishing is the key to web mastery.  So, I am learning about publishing through various editors, FTP, and learning the many, many presentation options available out there.

Is my experience valuable?  I have no idea at this point, but I have enjoyed the experience.  The only part about it I don't enjoy is the overstuffed feeling my head is dealing with as a result of too much information.