Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Star struck

Once a man is star struck, 
he will never be star struck by me
He won't feel what I want him to
Sad to say it, but its true.
I will never see in my mirror
what she sees in hers
A pretty girl she sees.
I see only me.

I know you think you are seeing a gypsy in this photo,
but you really are not.
You are having a glimpse through the eye of a beholder.
You are seeing a carefully crafted artistic arrangement 
of decorations placed just so,
of lighting, makeup, position, and perspective.
The artist knows his/her craft.
This photo is intended to please
and is selling you something.

To be a gypsy is to lead a hard life
with little mercy and much bigotry aimed in your direction.
To be a gypsy is to be dragged upon the current of prejudice
until you are too weak to struggle then being 
swept by that prejudice into the ocean
there to drown and die leaving no honorable memories
No one to miss you.

And so, being star struck and prone to accept
the artistic vision of another beholder's eye
are you prepared to accept the philosophy
of the canvas bearing the artist's creation?

Does the creation last beyond
the moment of capture when
the image is made
and will you enjoy holding close
a man made goddess?

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