Wednesday, April 20, 2016


In seeking to dismiss you from my mind, I have disconnected links to you.  This means I am making a conscious effort to block all thoughts of you and reactions to you.  It will not mean anything to you.  Nothing I do ever has meaning for you, except in a negative connotation.

I am only interested in meanings of the most positive and productive sort.

If I cannot be happy with you and you cannot be happy with me, there is no reason to maintain connections of any kind is there?

I don't need or want conflict.  I only want peaceful and happy collaboration with you or any other I associate with or seek to associate with.

Therefore, I will not seek any more knowledge of you.  Since contact with most people makes me unhappy, I won't seek knowledge of them other than connecting records for the purpose of documentation.

The most positive part of my feelings toward you is love.  I will continue to allow that to exist even though you don't want me to love you.

Goodbye was all I was ever meant to have toward you and from you.  I will just let it be and I will never ask you any more questions.

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