Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Marathon 2

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Another Marathon day today. I was up at 4 am this morning putting my clothes on , bunning my hair, contacting my daughter. At 4:30 I was on the road to Draper and by 5 am I reached their apartment. I felt a twinge of grief when I rounded the point of the mountain and saw the orange prison lights glaring through the darkened valley.  How many years my father sighted those lights as he toiled his way through supporting us? And I was driving his truck.

I think about his accident in 2006 every time I see the flashing construction signs on the freeway, or any other road for that matter.  How horrible that accident was and he received no compensation. His car was no longer driveable, and his body was damaged irreparably.  The construction company had no remorse or compassion or if they did, it was eliminated by their desire not to pay but to keep the money for themselves. How could I have known back then that he would have only eight more years to live on this earth and then he would be gone.

My daughter and son in law were still asleep when I arrived at their apartment. I tried not to rudely awaken them. My daughter got up and showed me a video of my granddaughter opening her birthday presents, and blowing out the candles on her cake.

That's the joy part of life, watching your legacy go on.

Sometimes it breaks my heart that your legacy has not begun but it will I hope.  You will be a cute grandfather.

My daughter and my son in law have their car fixed now, at a terrible cost.

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