Tuesday, April 16, 2019

16 April 2019 Kindness by robert Strand

Chrestotes (Greek), pronounced khray-stot'-ace, meaning: useful moral excellence of character or demeanor, gracious, gentle, goodness, and kindness.
Kindness is planted in seed form, imputed, and ingrained in the new nature of a new Christian under the code name of "fruit." It's ours to be developed by the work of the Spirit... it's to be shown in all of our human contacts. The goal is for each of us to be as kind to others as Jesus Christ in His mercy has been kind to us. Kindness is a sign of greatness! It is intended to pervade and touch our entire nature. It is to replace the harsh and hardness. Jesus was a kind person, and people are attracted to kindness personified.
But the fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.... - Galations 5:22 23

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