Friday, April 26, 2013

Alethea April 26 2013

hello im alethea and im almost 8 and my sister just got a husband and she is gonna get cats and my family is gonna have one last year it was fast me and my dad are going to get a cat thats white with blue eyes and i always go outside and look at the sky and play with my friends

Monday, April 1, 2013

Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell are stops on the same road.  Sometimes when you think you are headed for Heaven you find you wind up in the other place instead.
"There were wildflowers along the road to hell.
 The wind blew and the flowers
danced in the ditches alone or in pairs
in that cheerful way that flowers have
You had to be there to see them
and the guard towers coming into view.

I wasn't.  Still, one hot summer afternoon
as I lay resting, their bright colors came to me,
and that dusty road and that long ditch
Where the wind played with them
carrying their scent past the barbed wire
Or so I thought, too scared to imagine the rest."
Charles Simic, Wildflowers from Master of Disguises
(2010, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)