Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Today was really pretty busy. It started at 3 a.m. with a math lesson for BMTH and then I slept till nearly 7 a.m. and was a bit late getting to class. I feel pretty grateful that I paid for a yellow parking sticker this year that allowed me to park close to the school for this morning anyway.

I did make it to my Business Law class, and was counted in the roll, and I took notes. Today was Henry's first day back in public school at Lakeridge. I wasn't there to take him to school, and Margles had to fill in. He made it to school, and I took Margles to school.Tomorrow I have a meeting at 7:45 a.m. with Henry's teachers.

After I arrived home, I realized I needed to talk to the counselors at Lakeridge, so I headed there and filled out a form, gave an alternate number. At 11 I went to bring Henry home, showed him how to use the library, showed him how to operate his locker, talked to Mr. Rosenthal. I had to rest for a little bit after getting home, because of the late night math activity. At 3:00 p.m., the missionaries came to teach Clarity and Alethea sat in. The missionaries have had their car taken for another area, so they are on foot now which makes their scheduling a little more of a hassle for them. They covered another part of the Plan of Salvation with Clarity.

At 4 p.m. was Webelos. The boys finished staining their their napkin holders, drilled holes for their hooks and finished their key holders, and made marshmallow blowguns out of PVC pipe. Then they proceeded to play with them until the dark came.

We tried to fill in dates and plan after, but the meeting sort of got away. The whole family went to the church after 7 p.m. A lot of meetings were scheduled for tonight, such as New Beginnings, Scouts, Scout planning meeting and I took the whole family. The Scouts planning meeting was in the nursery, New Beginnings was in the Relief Society room, Scouts was in the Young Women's room. I had to choose New Beginnings because my oldest children are girls, and I don't have too much longer with that.

The scenery theme was a cardboard castle and pennants, and the leaders described each virtue as we put cardboard armor onto the girls. Each girl was given a journal, a Personal Progress book, a picture of a girl in full armor kneeling and a card with virtuous standards printed on it. The meeting dispersed to the foyer for cheesecake and ice water as refreshments. My kids were thrilled and impressed. Henry asked me if cheesecake is considered a cake or a pie? I told him it is a pie, but I know it is both. Eek! The questions my kids ask me sometimes! I don't feel smart enough to answer them all...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Birthday balloon

B received a helium balloon for his birthday from Toys R Us. The balloon has lost a lot of its helium, and drifts near the floor until it comes near the heater. When it reaches the heater, it is caught in the upward flow of heat coming from the heater, rises to the peak of the ceiling then drifts down again. It is interesting to watch, sort of like unseen hands are moving it around. :D

Bread on the waters